all postcodes in BR6 / ORPINGTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR6 1AD 1 1 51.37683 0.099164
BR6 1AN 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1BQ 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1DR 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1DS 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1EF 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1ET 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1EW 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1EX 1 1 51.37683 0.099164
BR6 1FA 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FB 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FL 1 0 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FP 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FQ 1 0 51.37683 0.099164
BR6 1FR 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FU 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FW 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FY 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1FZ 1 1 51.376829 0.099138
BR6 1GA 1 1 51.376829 0.099138